

What is ISO 27001 And How It Is Beneficial For Your Business?

Sep. 20, 2022

What is ISO 27001 And How It Is Beneficial For Your Business?

-By Meghshree Bhati--

Why ISO-27001

ISO 27001 has become one required certification for every small or big organization. Most organizations are taking it seriously and getting certified because this gives confidence to the probable and the current clientele on the data security.

Today, clients/customers expect organizations to provide solid evidence that their data will be fully protected. In a market that is so competitive, every organization has to have something different and reliable to offer; ISO certification improves that trust and ensures the security of clients’ sensitive information.


ISO 27001

The basic meaning of becoming ISO 27001 certified directly implies that the organization has identified all risks, assessed them, and put in place the required controls to prevent any disaster.

It is a globally accepted certification for effectively managing information security assets and creating a certain trust when a new client is looking forward to doing business with your organization. Organizations that are ISO certified have improved chances of getting new clients.

Being ISO 27001 certified is often seen as an investment without direct financial profit. But it can prevent your organization from futuristic losses which could have been caused by data leakage or dissatisfied clients or former employees. As ISO talks about defining the roles and responsibilities of every individual, it makes it easier for growing organizations to have better-structured processes and keeps tracking any gap simple.


Benefits of ISO 27001


· Provides better security to sensitive data

· Improves confidence in customers and business partners

· Makes the certified organization stand out in the crowd

· Overall structure and process are improved 

· Companies can include or exclude ISO controls as per their nature of work

· Saves from financial losses in case of any data breach

· Being globally accepted certification reduces re-audits from the client end

· Individual ISO certification creates awareness in employees regarding data security

· Shows the organization's commitment to cybersecurity and compliance

· Improves the organization's reputation in the market