

Growing Trends in Midnight Services

Sep. 22, 2022

Growing Trends in Midnight Services

Delivering a flawless customer experience and optimizing it is a complex and challenging task for businesses. This becomes all the way more interesting & intriguing for the industries that operate during non-working hours. Over time, there has been a change in the customer’s usage of midnight hour services. For instance, when it comes to certain sectors like food, and e-commerce, the customer is more inclined towards availing of these services during the night (12 am to 6 am). The Internet has played a major role here, thanks to the ease of access, communication, and reduction of efforts it provides.


While as a customer, most of us have availed of midnight services & we have our share of experience. So, QDegrees surveyed intending to dig deeper and get more insights into customers’ experiences and expectations while they avail of the midnight services. 


In a survey, we attempted to analyze the following:

        Customers’ reasons for availing of these services

        Major channels used for getting midnight services and expectations in terms of CX. 

        Businesses that lead this segment in their respective sectors

        New approaches used by businesses, if any.


Study Synopsis-     

Midnight Economy is flourishing –            

Basis the responses, a whopping 54% of customers use midnight services. To add to that, while 50% of people only use midnight services when actually in an emergency/need, 17% say they avail of these services weekly and a significant 16% of people do it daily. Travel (used by 29% of people) and food (29%) industry came out to be the most prominently availed for midnight services.


Midnight services have become a necessity, and why?

With respect to the food industry, it came out that 85% of people use online food delivery late at night and 10% dine out late at night. Eating out is an amazing experience, but nothing like midnight snacking on the couch while binge-watching.

Some interesting points that came out from the study are:

     Customers want after-hours food delivery if they're looking for something quick and easy to eat that won't require much preparation

     Additionally, this service is convenient for people who work late or are busy during the daytime. This service accommodates special dietary needs like gluten-free or vegan cuisine

     With so many convenient choices available today, after-hours food delivery seems the perfect way to satisfy hunger while staying healthy and fit.


In the travel industry, cab services have become valuable for customers who need transportation after hours, given that 83% of people trust them for the same. This is especially true if the customer needs to get to their workplace or another destination, outside of normal business hours.

Some common reasons why people require after-hours cabs include: when they are out with friends and don't want to drink and drive, when they are going to have an important meeting later in the evening, or when there is an unexpected event that has them stranded.




Channel preference and service level - 

Talking about the channels, digital platforms rule the night economy. Furthermore, it won’t be wrong to say that it is the convenience brought by the affordability and availability that has led to an increased usage of services during late hours of the night. Web and app together hold 92% and 75% market share of food orders and cab bookings respectively. Not only are customers increasingly availing of midnight services, but they are also happy with the quality of service they receive. Quick response, convenience, on-time reception of service, and availability at odd hours are some of the prime reasons behind the same.

Customer sentiments/ experience - 

Going deeper into the insights, 93% of the people who availed of midnight food ordering agreed that the service fulfilled their requirements. Surprisingly, 85% even felt that the quality of service was better than the same during the daytime. Brands are keeping the smallest of details in mind while providing an immaculate digital experience. For instance, on the 15th of August, most brands give a tricolor touch to their icons. Such small gestures make the users feel connected to the brand. 


Similarly, in the travel sector, 93% of users found the service satisfying and 89% said that they felt it to be better than the daytime. 



Who is leading the midnight service customer experience? 

The results were pretty clear and insinuate a monopolistic hold of one or two brands. In the food industry, almost 52% of users prefer Zomato over any other application or site. According to a study, they get the highest night orders due to the combination of great service and competitive rates.


In the travel sector, Ola and Uber closely share the market with around 45% of people opting for Ola and around 34% choosing Uber. Ola has a slight upper hand owing to lower rates and further availability of bikes and autos at affordable prices.


New approach/strategy coming in - 

When it comes to midnight services, customer experience is high. Most of the users who availed of these found them highly satisfactory. However, things do not end here. The consistent need to excel and provide an exceptional experience to the consumers to retain them is obvious.

Various companies are coming up with an all-in-one platform to provide a better, convenient, and comfortable customer experience. Food delivery apps are also facilitating grocery shopping, and cab services also offer food delivery and whatnot. This has multiple benefits for the businesses:

        Increases the size of the target audience.

        It increases the time customers spend on their site/application. 

        Enables brands to provide more competitive pricing, thereby attracting more consumers.

The availability of the internet has led to the growth of online service providers. This has given businesses a new platform to reach out to their target audience, which in turn has helped them grow faster than traditional businesses. In addition, these companies are better equipped to cater to customer needs since they have access to 24/7 support.

Now to sum, it up -

Our study has shown that there is an increase in customers availing of midnight services. This trend may be attributed to the fact that people are looking for convenience and flexibility when it comes to their schedules. Now, with so many options available 24/7, it can be difficult for consumers to make a decision about which service is right for them. The brand that provides exceptional services and overall experience wins the customer.

While some companies operate exclusively during nighttime hours, others offer daytime as well as nighttime services. Whether a customer is looking for an evening pick-me-up or a convenient way to order takeout from his favorite restaurant, there's sure to be a Midnight Service out there that fits their needs.