

Unlocking Exceptional Customer Experience with NPS

Jul. 22, 2024

Unlocking Exceptional Customer Experience with NPS

Customer experience is what defines the environment of your business for the customers. In simple terms, if you offer a good experience for the customer in your business, then it will lead to better retention, more sales, and profits. But the opposite will happen if you don't offer a great consumer experience. But how to maintain a great CX? Here is the role of NPS.

It is a widely used survey that lets you understand the loyal and satisfied customers out of all your customers. The reason why it's one of the best surveys to gauge these insights is that it is very simple and intuitive. So, there's no rocket science in understanding it.`

Moreover, finding the NPS score from the inputs isn't rocket science either. Just, subtract the percentage of promoters from the percentage of detractors and you have it. So now that you understand it let's move on to discussing the strategies to craft a customer experience-centric NPS Survey program

8 Strategies to Enhance your CX with Net Promoter Score

Implement NPS Survey Tools

See, being straightforward is one of the best ways to give your customers a great experience. Now it doesn't only apply to the NPS score surveys you send but also to the process that you use. Sometimes sending these surveys can be tricky for you just because you don't have the right tools in place. 

But why does a tool matter when sending them? It does because a survey campaign powered by the right tool can help you make your survey program successful. Remember we talked about being straightforward? Such tools can help you to create templates that are straightforward to understand for your audience leading to a high response rate. 

Also, a Net Promoter Score tool can help you in sending and getting replies from multiple channels along with being real-time. In totality, you can make those decisions faster and more accurately which affects a customer’s experience. 

Make It Personalized

How do you think your customer can know that he/she’s answering your survey without even reading it? If you don't know the answer there's no problem. See, when you send your NPS surveys, it's crucial that you not only look different but feel more personalized to the receivers. 

Now to make sure that your customers recognize that it's you, you should focus on branding like using your brand colors and logos. But as far as personalization is concerned, you should focus on the details like mentioning the customer's name and even mentioning the exact product, service, or interaction that you are gauging their feedback. Lastly, never forget to put a thank you message as it pays off the efforts of the respondents. 

Attend the Detractors

See when you say an improved cx, you are talking about fixing the experience of your customers and making them better right? So, who are the best-suited type of customers for that? The one who didn't have a great experience or detractors in simple words. 

So, you should promptly reply to their issues and try to understand what they want. As soon as you understand their concern then come up with a solution and implement it. It will help you to retain your detractors in business. But don't forget to tell the detractors about the improvements and once done always try to get feedback from them again.

Communicate Improvements 

So let's shed some more light on communicating the improvements. Why is it important? Many brands think that not acknowledging the issues in their product or service publically and secretly fixing it without letting others know about it is a great move. However, it is not because if you think logically even if you don't acknowledge the problem there are customers who know about it. So, that's why it's important to keep your customers informed about the improvements you have made to become better. 

An example of why you should do it is Samsung's S21 FE relaunch where they didn't acknowledge the problem with their processors embedded in S21 FEs publically and relaunched the improved product with a new processor without letting anyone know about it. As a result, they didn't make the desired sale but more importantly, sacrificed the great customer experience which they would have regained by communicating the improvements in the relaunch. 

Gather More Responses 

An increased survey response rate also plays an important role in enhancing the customer's experience. With a larger sample size, you can make your findings accurate so the actions you'll take will be more effective. 

But the question is how to get more responses. Here are some key points:

● Short and to-the-point surveys- Keep your surveys straightforward and don't add any complex jargon. 

● Use Multiple platforms- Another way to get more responses is to cover all your customers through the platforms they use. It is known as a multi-channel approach in which you can include email, SMS, phone calls, and many more. 

● Timing and Frequency- Send your surveys at the right time like right after a customer service call but wait in case of a product launch. Also, do the RNPS on fixed intervals like quarterly, biannually or annually. 

Monitor Continuously

In addition to getting more responses, you should also make sure that you are continuously monitoring your Net promoter score. It is crucial for many reasons. 
Firstly, you don't miss out on any insight which can be proven to be a game changer. For instance, if a trend emerges out of nowhere like a continuous upward trend in your surveys, it means something you implemented recently worked well. 
So, you can know what's working and what's not which results in better decision-making. Your CX strategies can be used at their optimum capacity or can be scrapped if they are not working.

Don't Do NPS Gaming

Net Promoter Score gaming or simply artificially pumping up your score is the worst a brand can do to itself. These practices manipulate your score and you don't get the real picture that you should. It's good to satisfy yourself as an owner but harmful to the brand. 
It makes you think that everything is okay which means you'll not need any improvement. And there's no doubt that it's not true. An example of this can be incentivizing your customers for positive ratings which is not good.

Color Code the NPS

This helps in making it more viable and understandable to the audience. You can use the traffic lights theme to do so like adding red, yellow, and green colors to detractor, passive, and promoter’s ratings respectively. It will help your customers to make sure that they are choosing the right rating. For instance, a customer may think of himself as a promoter but choose 6 on the rating scale as he's not aware of what 6 stands for on a scale. So, you can make your responses accurate with this simple trick.

The Future of CX with NPS 

The future of CX with NPS score is evolving towards deeper integration of AI and advanced analytics. These technologies enable real-time insights and personalized feedback, enhancing the accuracy of customer sentiment analysis. 

Additionally, the focus is also shifting to proactive engagement. We can focus on sending NPS Surveys to identify issues before their escalation or identify the needs of the customer beforehand. For example, if you get a few responses highlighting an issue in your product, then you can fix it before it gets noticed by a mass of customers. This approach not only boosts customer loyalty but also drives continuous improvement in service delivery.

Bottom Line 

In conclusion, mastering customer experience (CX) is essential for business success, and Net Promoter Score is a valuable tool for this. By leveraging the right strategies, tools, and personalization, and focusing on continual improvement and honest feedback, businesses can enhance customer loyalty and drive long-term growth.