

Top 10 Reasons Why You Need Market Research

May. 29, 2024

Top 10 Reasons Why You Need Market Research

Market research is a useful resource that helps you make smart decisions when it comes to your business. It is like a guide that will show you where to go and what to do. In addition, it helps you to make new products, get new customers, and improve your revenue. However, there are many people who do not know how to use it in a way that will benefit them. In fact, some of you even forget to use it.

So, in this blog, we will discuss where you can use market research to gain maximum benefit for your business.  

1. To Find Business Opportunities

A business in its lifetime always has a lot of opportunities to pursue. However, identifying these opportunities is the main task. You can't sit back and wait for opportunities to emerge out of nowhere. So, you must follow a procedure of hunting for business opportunities. What is that procedure? It's market research. Doing it regularly helps you to find opportunities in your industries to expand. Since you expand your business based on market research, the chances of success increase, and risk factors decrease automatically. On the other hand, trying to expand business randomly increases the risk of failure.  

2. To Make Informed Decisions

As your business unfolds its new chapter, new decisions must be made to continue it. Moreover, business decisions are not with a coin flip. It should be backed with data and insights. No matter how big or small the decision, if it's about the business and has the potential to affect it, it must be made based on data. Market research allows you to source this data, which you can use for your business decisions. For instance, if you want to invest in a new product or service to develop it from scratch, then you can find out how much money and manpower to spend on it to cap the risk at a minimum. 

3. To Remain Ahead of the Competition

In this world where competition is everywhere, businesses are no exception. Perhaps competition in the business world is growing faster than ever. It makes it important for businesses to continuously watch their competitors to set new goals and achieve them through different strategies. It is known as competitive analysis and benchmarking. 

Let's take a simple example of using market research in competitive analysis and benchmarking. Let's say you are marketing some products that other companies are also. You decide to do MR for competition analysis and discover that your competitors market similar products in smaller packaging. Hence, they have a greater market share. So, you can also introduce your product in the same quantity to beat the competition.  

4. To Manage Risk  

Making business decisions always involves some risk. Market research helps reduce this risk by providing data and insights. Instead of making decisions based on guesses, you can rely on solid information about your market and customers. It reduces the chances of launching a product that no one wants or investing in a market that's already saturated.

MR also helps you gain support from stakeholders. When you present a new idea or project, having market research data shows that your plan is backed by evidence. This makes it easier to convince investors, partners, and team members to support your initiatives. They are more likely to back your decisions if they see that you have done your homework and understand the market. 

5. To Act According to Your Customers  

Customers create the trends in the market, which, for any business, is important to follow on time. In simple terms, it's called adaptability, which helps a business to grow faster by providing its customers with what they want. However, it's also the job of the business to identify these trends, as otherwise, your competitors may get ahead of you. With market research methods like surveys, FGDs, feedback surveys, etc, you can collect the customer's needs and preferences and act accordingly. It will help you to identify the trends in your market so that you can follow them before others do.  

6. To Succeed in Marketing  

For any brand, marketing is very important in letting the customers know who they are, what they do, what they have to offer, and what benefits their product or service has. With tools like digital marketing and advertising, brands get the eyes of their potential customers. However, to craft successful marketing strategies, you need to first understand who you need to target and how you can target them. The answers to these questions can be found in market research. It helps you find the relevant audience and create accurate personals to create a marketing strategy that will work.  

7. To Create Messages That Won't Backfire  

Sometimes, brands have to send messages that address current world issues. It's not new that brands use such events for their marketing. But it may backfire on your brand sometimes. It has already happened to many companies that they intended to send a message, but it backfired them. So why do businesses take this risk? If done correctly, such campaigns help the brands grow exponentially. However, with market research, you can play safe and know how the audience will react to a campaign you created to address something related to the world's major events.  

8. To Identify the Opportunities with Growth Potential 

Market research helps you find new growth opportunities. By understanding your market, you can see where there is demand for new products or services. You can discover gaps in the market that your business can fill. For example, you might learn that customers are looking for eco-friendly options that your competitors don't offer. With this information, you can develop products that meet these needs and stand out in the market. 

9. To Increase Your Sales  

Some sales strategies require a market for their implementation, and these strategies have proven very effective in increasing the sales of a business. What are these strategies? Strategies like cross-selling and upselling help businesses sell by strategically recommending their products to the customers who are most likely to buy them. Market research helps identify such customers based on their demographics and business history with you. Moreover, the pattern among the customers who have already bought a particular product also helps to identify similar cross-selling and upselling opportunities.  

10. To Save Your Resources 

Market research can save you time and money in the long run. You can avoid costly mistakes by understanding your market and customers. For example, you won't waste resources on products that don't meet customer needs or marketing strategies that don't resonate with your audience. 
Additionally, it helps you focus your efforts on what works. You can identify the most effective marketing channels, the best price points, and the features customers value the most. You can allocate your budget more efficiently and get better investment returns. 


So, these are ways in which you can use market research. By doing so you will be able to reap maximum benefits out of this feature. However, if you want to use MR more efficiently, you can simply hire experts. Hence, feel free to contact us at QDegrees and let us help you to expand your business.