

Net Promoter Score Calculation

Oct. 17, 2024

Net Promoter Score Calculation

If you want to quantify your growth, there are many KPIs to look at, like sales, profits, etc. However, a KPI that is often ignored is customer loyalty. This growth metric is special for two reasons. Firstly, it's a metric that can quantify the emotional connections your customers have with you, like how much they love your brand. Secondly, you can grow your sales, increase profits, and many more by just focusing on increasing customer loyalty.

But the question here is, how can you know about the loyalty of your customers to your brand? Here comes the role of Net Promoter Score, a metric that primarily focuses on quantifying satisfaction and loyalty but has to offer a lot more. If you are reading this blog, you most probably know what NPS is, but let us learn how to calculate it today! 

How to Calculate Net Promoter Score?

Net promoter score calculation is not a very hard task as the formula is quite simple. But what you really need to know are the components of NPS. So, let us have a quick look.

There are three categories of responses:

  • Promoter: Rates you 9-10
  • Passive: Rates you 7-8
  • Detractor: Rates you 0-6

To start the calculation, first segregate responses in these three categories. Then, use this net promoter score formula to find the score:

[(Number of Promoters - Number of Detractors) ÷ Total Number of Responses] × 100

Moreover, you can also find out the score with this Net promoter score formula:

NPS = Percentage of Promoters - percentage of Detractors

Let's also look at an example of net promoter score calculation. Suppose you reached out to some of your customers with an NPS survey. Now, you have 250 responses, which, upon segregation, you get these numbers.

Total Responses = 250
Promoters = 100 
Detractors = 50
Passives = 100

So, let's calculate the percentage of promoters and detractors.

% of Promoters = (100/250)*100 = 40%
% of Detractors = (50/250)*100 =  20%

Now, with these formulas, you will find out the score, but the responses individually also have a great value. 

For instance, if a person is a promoter, detractor or passive, your follow-up with the person differs. In the case of a promoter, you may just have to maintain their trust in you, but in the case of a detractor, you will have to build the trust. Moreover, passives, who are often left behind in the Net Promoter Score Formula, should be turned into promoters with your efforts.

Three Best Ways to Calculate NPS

After receiving data through surveys, you need to calculate your final score. So, there are three main methods that you can use to calculate Net Promoter Score.

Net Promoter Score Calculation on Excel or Spreadsheet

The first option is to use Excel or Google spreadsheet to calculate the score. You can find online templates for calculation, which are based on Excel or spreadsheets. In these templates, you just have to put in the data, and you get the percentage of promoters, detractors and passives along with the score. 

Net Promoter Score Calculator Website

While the above method is good for those who have to deal with smaller data sets, if you have larger data to deal with, then you must look for an alternative. You can use online NPS calculator websites where you have to put in the numbers, and it will give you the results along with the percentages.

A Comprehensive Survey Tool

The third option is to opt for a full-fledged solution that can cover all your NPS needs. Yes, you can get a net promoter score software that can do a lot more than just finding your score.

SurveyCXM is one of the best NPS software that you can get from the QDegrees house. It not only calculates the score live but also helps you create the surveys, launch the surveys on different channels and provide insights. Additionally, we have other metrics, such as CSAT and CES score calculators. So, it is a one-stop solution for all your customer experience survey needs.

Net Promoter Score Survey Structure

When designing an NPS survey, do not restrict yourself to just one type of question. Focus on structuring your survey in such a manner that it yields the most valuable insights. So, now the question arises: "What does a well-structured NPS survey look like?" Let us break it down.

1. Start with the Classic NPS Question

You can begin your survey with the core question like "On a scale of 0 to 5, how likely are you to recommend our service to a friend?" The ratings of this question will let you measure your customer's loyalty. Through this question, you will be able to detect the strong advocates of your company as well as the detractors.
Now, if you think this question is enough, you are not entirely correct. There's more that you can ask to get a better understanding of your customer's sentiment.

2. Follow Up with an Open-Ended Question

Once you have got the rating from your customer, it becomes important for you to understand the 'why" behind the score. Why did they give you that particular score? This is where an open-ended question comes in handy. You can now ask, "What is the reason for your score?" This question will give voice to your customer to share their honest opinion. It can either be praise, suggestion, or criticism of your brand. Whatever their feedback is, you can now use it to identify your business's strengths and areas of improvement.

Sometimes, you can add more than one open-ended question to collect even richer insights.

3. Mix in Multiple-Choice Questions

If you are looking to get more structured data, then add some multiple-choice questions. Through these questions, you can give customers options to select from. For example, you can ask a question like "Which of the following is the reason for a low rating?"

● Slow Interface
● Lack of Payment Options
● Encountered a Glitch 
● None of the Above

It will help you analyze the survey quickly by identifying trends in the answers like if most people choose the second option, then it reflects a need for multiple payment options. So, This way, you gather more targeted information without overwhelming the respondent.

4. Ending with a Thank You or a Call-to-Action

Finally, wrap up your surveys with a closing note. You can simply thank them for their participation and feedback. Another option is for you to add a task for them in the end that shows them that you are genuinely interested in their thoughts. For this, you can simply end with a question like- "Would you like to hear from us regarding your feedback?"

A survey like this offers you a balanced mix of questions. It ensures that you collect meaningful data while respecting your customer's time.


Calculating your Net Promoter Score is a straightforward process that lets you get valuable insight into your customer's loyalty. By asking your customers to rate your business and its different aspects, you can classify them as promoters, passives, or detractors. But, it is also important to understand the reason behind these scores. Try to balance your survey in a way that provides you with quantitative as well as qualitative answers. 

So, now that you know about Net Promoter Score Calculation, you can create structured NPS surveys to enhance your customer experience and drive business growth.