Customer Feedback System: Understanding their Expectations
Sep. 02, 2024
![Customer Feedback System: Understanding their Expectations]( Feedback System Understanding their Expectations.jpg)
Do you know what’s the most important thing to do ? While they run a successful business? While there can be many answers to it, you will end up with customer satisfaction and expectations when you think broadly.
By knowing what your customers like you can improve your products, service, customer service etc. But how to know your customer’s views? To do this, you need to collect feedback and act on it. This process is known as the customer feedback System, which you'll learn in detail in this blog.
Why is Customer Feedback System Important?
Before we discuss how a customer feedback system is created and how to use the data collected through it, let's first consider its importance. This system is crucial because it helps your business achieve customers' expectations. So, it is a great way to be the brand that customers love doing business with. But how does it work? Let's find out.
● Increased Customers Satisfaction
A customer's expectation is what a brand has to fulfill to make them happy, right? Gathering their feedback tells you what they are not happy about or what they feel can be improved. So, acting on this feedback and making changes to eliminate them will ultimately improve customer satisfaction.
● Increased Retention
A rupee earned from a repurchase gives you more profit than a rupee earned from a new purchase. This is because there are many costs associated with getting a new purchase. It doesn't mean that you shouldn't focus on making new customers, but it tells you about the value of customer retention. With better customer satisfaction, you can achieve better retention and it's a long stated fact that repurchases allow you to earn more in profits.
● Identify your Pros and Cons
With customer feedback, you can know what you are doing well and where improvement is needed. These insights can help you highlight your pros and tell other customers about them. On the other hand, they also highlight the areas where you should improve to ensure you are not losing any customers due to these weaknesses.
What are the Different Types of Customer Feedback Channels?
Taking feedback is one thing, but taking feedback comprehensively is different. A comprehensive feedback system requires you to get feedback from all the touch points of your business. So, it can't be done with a single traditional feedback channel like offline surveys. That's why you should know about the types of feedback channels to be comprehensive with your feedback. Here are some ways to collect feedback from your customers:
Starting with the conventional way, SMS allows you to reach many people, as there are Billions of people with a SIM card. You can send surveys over SMS for your product, service, delivery and customer service. However, the response rate of SMS is not very good, but it still allows you to reach people who are not on the internet yet.
● Email Surveys
You can also use emails to send surveys, which allows you to send interactive messages. The customer can click on the rating scale options, and the response will be collected.
● Website and In-app Surveys
Website and in-app surveys are useful for triggering transactions like check-outs and learning about the performance of a website and app. For example, if a customer checks out with a product through your app or website, then you can put a survey right after the transaction completes. You can ask them about how flawless the process was or was there any inconvenience during the process.
● ChatBots
As ChatBots are becoming increasingly common among companies as a customer service channel, it is important to know if they are working or not. So, at the end of every chat, a survey can be sent, which will give you the response right away.
These are some of the channels that help you get feedback for almost any process in your organization where customers are involved. However, sending these surveys to all these channels may sound problematic.
But it's not if you have software like SurveyCXM. It helps you to send surveys across different channels like email, SMS, phone calls, etc. Moreover, it also allows you to trigger surveys on modern channels like ChatBots and apps. So, to streamline your feedback survey collection, use SurveyCXM today!
How to Create an Effective Customer Feedback System?
Creating a highly effective customer feedback system is important to understand and meet your customer's needs. So, here is a step-by-step guide to help you build a system that truly shows results:
1. Set Clear Objectives
You should start by defining the specific goals of your feedback system and being clear about the insights you aim to gather. Having a clear focus will let you design a system that meets your needs.
2. Select the Right Feedback Tool
The next step is to choose the right customer feedback tool. Hence, you should search for software that will help create various surveys. This software should also be able to share them across many channels and collect feedback seamlessly. You can also use a strong Voice of Customer (VoC) tool to organize this process.
3. Craft Effective Surveys
Remember to make your surveys powerful yet concise. By keeping them short and easy to understand, you can directly align with your objectives. This will help you collect both qualitative and quantitative data. Also, you must include Customer experience metrics like Net Promoter Score. It will help you calculate your customers' satisfaction and loyalty.
4. Choose the Best Channels for Distribution
The tools you select should offer you flexibility in the distribution of your surveys. Whether through email, SMS, website or other mediums, you must select the best channels to reach your customers. Hence, you can experiment with different channels. It will help you analyze which gets you the most responses and valuable data. Then, you can focus on that particular channel to improve your feedback collection.
This is how you create an effective customer feedback system. It will help you gather valuable feedback from your customers. Once you have gathered all the necessary feedback, you can analyze and act on this data to make it truly valuable.
How to Analyze and Act on Feedback Data?
Customer feedback is useless to you if you do not analyze it properly. Hence, here is the detailed way to analyze customer feedback. By doing so, you will be able to gain maximum benefit and make much-needed improvements in your business.
1. Categorize the Responses
Once you have gathered the feedback, your next step should be to categorize it. So, you can start by sorting all the feedbacks into three main categories:
● Positive
● Neutral
● Negative
You can understand the overall response of your consumer base by categorizing them into these three segments.
2. Act Accordingly
Now that you have categorized your data, it is time to take action. You need to start by thanking the promoters for their positive responses. This will show them how much you appreciate them. For neutral feedback, you can reach out and ask if they can suggest some improvements. This will show your commitment to improvement.
When dealing with negative feedback, you should start by apologizing. Next, you need to understand where things went wrong. Furthermore, you can meet your customer success team to address the issues raised. This will help you significantly improve the customer's experience.
3. Follow Up After the Improvements
The final step is following up. Always let your customers know what actions you have taken to address their feedback. This will show them that their opinion really matters. In fact, it can even turn negative experiences into positive ones. This approach will build trust and strengthen your customer's loyalty.
Final Words
To sum up, a comprehensive feedback system helps you to be a brand which listens to their appreciation and criticism actively and acts upon them, too. This way, you are not only becoming better for your existing customers but also for the ones you will be getting in the future. Moreover, you should ensure that you are comprehensively taking the feedback from all the channels. To do that, you can get help with our customer feedback tool “SurveyCXM”.