

7 Tips to Boost Quality Scores in Your Contact Center

May. 24, 2024

7 Tips to Boost Quality Scores in Your Contact Center

In a business, the contact center deals with customers and their queries all the time. When a customer has a query regarding your product or service, it's important that your customer support agents effectively guide the customers through their queries. Otherwise, the customer may feel a lack of support and hesitate to do business with you.

That's where quality assurance comes into play. Quality assurance of contact centers is the practice of keeping an eye on your customer care centers and improving them accordingly. In this blog, you'll learn about how to improve the quality scores of your  contact centers with seven simple tips. 

What is Contact Center Quality Assurance?

It is the process of improving the quality of the contact center through regular monitoring and implementing changes or training modules. It requires you to identify the potential problems in your contacts center and resolve them to make operations fluent.

It included monitoring the calls of agents and other channels to know if your agents were following the guidelines or not. Moreover, feedback plays an important role in quality assurance. With the help of feedback from your customers for your agents, you can know about agent-specific problems. It will help you identify as the agent who needs more training. Also, it lets you know if your agents are dealing with the customers professionally.

It's important because the customer care center is one of the operations that creates and affects the customer experience. If a customer does get treated the right way it can create a bad customer experience which is not good for the overall progress of the company. Also, customer support plays an important role in pulling the customers back from the point where they may have churned. So, improving the quality scores of contact centers is always necessary. 

Seven Tips to Enhance the Quality of Your Contact Center

1. Develop a Clear QA Strategy

To begin with, it's important that you have a clear strategy to follow. It helps to keep the contact center quality organized, making it easy to follow. But what does it look like? Here's what a QA strategy should look like:

● Setting Goal

The first layer of a QA strategy accommodates the goals you need to achieve. It can be anything from making query resolution faster to working on the overall progress of the contact center. 

● Choosing KPIs

In the next step of the QA strategy, you need to choose the Key Performance Indicators that will let you track the progress. For instance, if you want to bring down the query resolution time, then the average query resolution time can be a relevant KPI. 

● Choosing the Tools

Lastly, you have to choose the tool you need to do all this. There are many contact center QA tools out there, but you should choose a comprehensive one like QAViews. This single tool has everything you need for the quality assurance of your customer care center, from tracking calls to generating insights for performance evaluation. 

2. Monitor All Customer Support Channels

Today, most businesses have more than just a call center for their customer support. Even many channels are more economical than phone calls. That's why businesses have started taking customer queries through calls, social media, mail, and many more. So, when it comes to contact center QA, it's crucial to monitor all the customer support channels. Make sure that every channel is working effectively, which is good for query handling. Effective omnichannel customer support helps in faster query resolution as a single channel doesn't have to take all the queries. 

3. Assign QA Responsibility to a Team Member

A major problem with customer support centers is that it lacks accountability. When there are only the same level of employees with no charge, they don't think themselves responsible for anything. The reason is that they don't have to answer anyone. That's why having a person accountable for the contact center's performance is important. In simple words, a supervisor who can track the performance of employees and take action to improve the individual performance of employees is important. This way, there will be a person who your employees will know he/she is tracking their performance. 

4. Provide Your Team with Real-Time Performance Analytics

Instead of just sharing solutions with your team, you should also share the real-time analytics with them. It's important because a solution can only be found when you have a clear picture of the problem. And a problem takes time to become significant and visible. However, sharing real-time analytics lets the team look at their individual performances and their effect on the overall customer care center performance. Hence, they can underline their mistakes early, which prevents any significant problems from occurring. 

5. Invest in a Good QA Tool

Now, again, bringing the significance of a quality assurance tool, let's talk about why it is important. Simply put, quality assurance software makes the organization of call recording, sampling, and insights generation really easy. QAViews offers all the significant features. It lets you monitor the calls of all the agents in your customer support team and helps to generate real-time insights. It makes performance evaluation very easy, which is important for both appraisals and the identification of the need for agents' training. With features like quick rebuttal and customizations, it is really ahead of other tools. So, if you want to get an ultimate solution for your contact center QA, QAViews is the way to go. 

6. Use Calls That Follow Best Practices

Now, not only is monitoring calls important to identify problems and gaps, but you can also get examples to set for your customer support team. Yes, many calls turn out to be ideal, which you can use for the training of your employees. It's a great practice as not only does it help you train your employees well, but it is also an economical solution. You can use either the call itself to extract insights or create an in-depth report to let your team learn how to become good at call centers. 

7. Reward Agents for Participation

While the training of underperforming employees is crucial, maintaining the motivation of good employees is important as well. You need to reward them for being a part of the QA program and performing better than others. It will give them validation which is important to make sure that they have the motivation to keep their performance ever-growing. There are many ways you can reward them like a letter of appreciation, bonus, salary hike, etc. 

Summing Up 

To sum up, these are the seven tips to improve the quality of your customer care centers. It's very important that you know how your agents are performing and what the overall performance of your call center is. Moreover, good software is really important for the quality assurance of your customer care centers. 

If you want to get good software for your customer care centers, then QAViews is best for you. It's a complete solution for businesses with a customer care center covering everything from call monitoring and random sampling to providing real-time insights and advanced features like a rebuttal.